Instantor Copper Press fittings
A high-quality modern solution with flame free jointing for faster and safer installation. Now Available
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Dressed Plumbers Hemp
NZ's best quality dressed hemp at unbeatable prices!
Now Available in 40g, 80g, 100g & 500g

Breson Fittings
Family owned and operated importing business. Specializing in brass plumbing fittings and other plumbing related products. We deal with Distributors and Plumbing Merchants New Zealand wide.

Sanbra Fyffe Achieve
NSAI Approval
Sanbra Fyffe are pleased to announce they are the only Irish manufacturer and supplier to achieve National Standards Authority of Ireland approval to use the Irish Standard Mark in conjuction with I.S EN 1254-2:1998 Copper and Copper Alloys, Plumbing Fittings Part 2: Fittings with Compression Ends for use with copper tubes - on the complete range of Instantor Compression Fittings.
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Breson Fittings
Original Equipment Manufacture - Agents for Sanbra Fyffe
Specialists in the Stamping, Casting & Machining of Brass and Copper Alloy Components. Sanbra Fyffe manufacture both part and fully finished components to many industries including the Electrical, Automotive, Plumbing & Furniture sectors. Sanbra Fyffe is a trusted manufacturer for many OEM customers today.
Contact us to arrange a quote.